Our story so far ...
Jaime Leal Anaya
Born in Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico in 1970.
He received a diploma in philosophy and a bachelor’s degree in theology and graduated with the highest honors in his degree in theology from Saint Patrick’s University in Ireland. He excelled in the areas of ancient languages, Greek and Hebrew, the literary criticism of ancient texts, and the history of religious thought.
Upon obtaining his bachelor’s degree in theology, he continued his research work at the University of Salamanca, Spain, in preparation for his master’s degree and licentiate in theology (the postgraduate degree S.T.L. – Sacrae Theologiae Licentiatus).
The fruits of his studies in Salamanca and his career as theologian were recorded in his research work that was awarded first place in Saint Patrick’s University. The title of the new revised and updated edition of his work is: “The Secret of the Spanish Mystics and the Creative Power of the Word.
Upon completion of his studies in Ireland, he continued his research and education in the unique School of Ancient Wisdom, Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment, the closest school of thought to the supernatural experiences claimed by the Spanish mystics of the Renaissance.
Jaime Leal Anaya has occupied the post of literary editor and writer of JZK Publishing, the official publishing house of Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment, since the spring of 2000. His editorial work on Ramtha’s teachings include more than two dozen books of Ramtha’s teachings in their original English language, a select glossary of Ramtha concepts and terms, as well as various essays and introductory commentaries to the most important books of JZK Publishing that illustrate the significance of Ramtha’s thought in the light of the major philosophical trends of the world and those quintessential questions that have remained unanswered throughout the ages.
Some of the publications he has worked on as editor in chief of JZK Publishing, , as well as his publishing house, Hun Nal Ye Publishing, are:
- Ramtha, A Beginner’s Guide to Creating Reality, rev. and expanded ed and 3rd edition
- Ramtha, The Mystery of Birth and Death: Redefining the Self
- Ramtha, The White Book, revised edition
- Ramtha, A Master’s Reflection on the History of Humanity, Part I, Human Civilization, Origins and Evolution, and Part II, Rediscovering the Pearl of Ancient Wisdom
- Ramtha, Last Waltz of the Tyrants, the Prophecy Revisited
- Ramtha, Love Yourself into Life, revised edition
- Ramtha, UFOs and the Nature of Reality, Preparing for Contact
- Ramtha, The Fireside Series (4 volumes, 17 books)
- Ramtha, The Mind Gladiators of the Future
- Ramtha, The Brain — The Creator of Reality and a Lofty Life
- Ramtha, Awakened
- Ramtha, A Master’s Book of Toasts: To Life!
- Psalm Aqua, Songs of Wisdom, A Book of Poems
- John Glennie, A Sea of Dreams. Initiation at Sea
- Dr Ana María Mihalcea, La Medicina de Luz (Spanish translation of Light Medicine
- Dr Míċeál Ledwith, Salven a Jesucristo (Spanish translation of Saving Jesus)
As well as several articles published in popular magazines of the United States, Mexico, and South America
For more information about Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment, visit the official Website of the school: www.ramtha.com
Jaime Leal Anaya has participated in multiple television programs, radio interviews in the United States, Mexico, and South America, and has made presentations at various conferences in Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, and Mexico.
He is part of the team of appointed teachers and instructors of RSE since 2009 and has presented workshop events in the United States, Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Italy and Romania. In 2011, he became part of the editorial team of SuperConsciousness Magazine, the Voice for Human Potential.
He contributed as advisor, content researcher, and was one of the main writers of the documentary featured film, EVOLUTION: The Genius Equation by Paulina Amador of WEGeniusMinds Productions, released in 2020.
In 2023 he joined Laura Mooney of RSE as co-host of KRSE podcast radio, Out of the Box: KRSE.com
In Autumn 2012, he launched his own publishing house, Hun Nal Ye Publishing, with a new series of books of Ramtha’s teachings, NORTH STAR RAM, in both English and Spanish. He has published and worked with more than a dozen select independent authors to-date and his passion for writing and publishing continues to grow. Currently he is working on his personal series of historical novels, a captivating story that transcends time and brings to light the memories preserved in our soul as an ever present now. Coming soon…
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Carmen Hurtado González
Experta en traducción y corrección de textos
Nació en Palencia, España, en 1973. Su pasión por otros mundos y otras vidas posibles la llevó a estudiar ya con quince años en Stevens Point, Wisconsin, Estados Unidos. Regresó a España para licenciarse en Filosofía por la Universidad de Valladolid. Vivió y trabajó en los márgenes de la Selva Negra alemana, en la ciudad holandesa de La Haya y en Dublín. En el 2000, estudió un Máster de Traducción en Londres. De regreso en España, comenzó sus andaduras como traductora de libros de fotografía, programas informáticos y patentes técnicas. Así, con su ordenador portátil bajo el brazo, siguió recorriendo ciudades y mudándose a menudo. En el 2006 cursó un Postgrado en traducción de textos médicos impartido por la Universitat Jaume I de Castellón, España. Desde entonces, traduce principalmente en el ámbito biomédico y de las organizaciones internacionales. Ha impartido conferencias sobre traducción y revisión de textos médicos en la ciudad argentina de Rosario y en Barcelona. En el 2008, en Buenos Aires, se formó en interpretación de conferencias en el Estudio Lucille Barnes, y se desempeñó como intérprete en conferencias médicas, charlas sobre educación y talleres de desarrollo personal en Argentina, Chile y España. Del 2021 al 2023, retomó otro rostro del lenguaje que nunca le ha abandonado por completo y cursó un Máster de Narrativa en la Escuela de Escritores de Madrid. Desde 2021, colabora con Jaime Leal Anaya en la traducción y corrección de textos de inglés a español. Desde 2022, recibió el distinguido puesto de coordinadora oficial de la Escuela de Iluminación de Ramtha en España. Desde 2023, se unió al equipo de distribuidores de Hun Nal Ye Publishing en España y Europa. -
Dr. Miceal Ledwith
Historian, theologian, adviser and author
Dr. Miceal Ledwith has appeared in the hit movie What the Bleep Do We Know, and its sequel Down the Rabbit Hole, as well as in Contact has Begun and Orbs: the Veil is Lifting. He is co-author of The Orb Project (Simon and Schuster/Beyond Words) now translated into eleven languages. He regards his long career as a University Professor and professional theologian to have culminated in his finding the Ramtha School of Ancient Wisdom and its teachings. For many years he has been a member of that School and has been invited to speak at very many sessions held by the School throughout the world. Dr. Ledwith has produced a DVD series that deals with fundamental matters in relation to spiritual evolution, seven of which have been recorded so far, and four published; The Hamburger Universe, How Jesus Became a Christ, Orbs: Clues to a More Exciting Universe, and Alignment of Chaos. His forthcoming series of books will be titled "Forbidden Truth," The first volume of this series is titled "Saving Jesus" and is due for publication in 2017. It deals with how the powerful series of unconscious programs that have come for the major distortions of Jesus and his message in mainline Christianity effectively prevent us from ever reaching the goal Jesus set for us; "All these things that I do, you will do and greater." -
Ramtha the Enlightened One
Master Teacher, Spiritual Teacher and Author
Ramtha the Enlightened One is an ascended Master Teacher who learned in his lifetime the unlimited potential of our minds for creating and shaping reality. Ramtha s message, The power is in you! Change your mind and change your world; you are here to make known the unknown, is empowering and calls us to dynamic change. Ramtha continues to deliver his message through his school, Ramtha s School of Enlightenment. JZ Knight is the unique channel of Ramtha and author of the best-selling autobiography, A State of Mind, My Story. Historians and experts who have studied JZ Knight life s work have recognized her as the Great American Channel.
“My name is Ramtha the Enlightened One. I am a human being who once lived here and have a very dynamic story to tell. I am here to lead my people from being asleep to waking up and doing something with this life that is original, making known the unknown, and marching out of this abyss into greatness. “These times are the greatest of all times in your recorded history. Though they are difficult and challenging times, you chose to live here during this time for the purpose of the fulfillment that it would bring you. “All of you have been promised for ever so long that you would see God in your lifetime, yet lifetime after lifetime you never allowed yourselves to see it. In this lifetime most of you will, indeed. “You will see a magnificent kingdom emerge here, and civilizations will come forth that you had not even the slightest notion existed. A new wind will blow, and love, peace, and joy in being will grace this blessed place, the emerald of your universe and the home of God. “There is no redemption for mankind other than to realize their divinity. You are the seeds of this understanding. Whatever you think, whatever you come to realize, lifts and expands consciousness everywhere. When you live what you have come to understand wholly for the good of your own purposeful life, you allow others to see in you a greater thought process, a grander understanding, a more purposeful existence than what they see all around them. Lifting and broadening your own consciousness through knowledge is enlightenment. It is not spiritual rituals. It is understanding. “I have done it all. And for that, entity, I gained wisdom from everything I have ever done and I will never have to do it again. I am virtuous, entity, for I have done all things to become what I am. How do you know what love is, entity, until you have hated? How do you know what life is until you are at the edge of dying, and the sun will set in spite of your death and the fowl won't even look at you. You don't know that until you have come to the point, as it were indeed, of realization. “I am here to tell you that you are loved even beyond your understanding of love, for you have never been seen as anything other than a God struggling to understand itself. And from every experience in all of your lives, you have gained knowledge, wisdom. You have given to the world. You have added to the virtue of unfolding life. “My path in my life upon this plane was to become the Unknown God -- which I was to discover was myself -- and to go beyond the dimensions to frolic in the adventures of forever. And so I did, and still do. I have returned to tell you that those adventures are awaiting you also, when you have embraced all of this life as I did.” — Ramtha For more information about Ramtha the Enlightened One, Ascended Master, and his international academy of the mind and ancient wisdom, offering workshops and classes live and online around the world for the last 4 decades, visit Ramtha.com.