Welcome to Hun Nal Ye Publishing
by Jaime Leal Anaya
Tracing the footsteps of Ancient Wisdom and the Awakening of Consciousness

The Art of Thought
“The pineal gland in antiquity was the way that Homo erectus and even Cro-Magnon in its early days communicated with one another. They did not have the art of languages, as you understand them today. They had rather the art of thought.”
— Ramtha
Power Over Your Destiny
“You are here because you want to live, and in that living you want to understand and, in the understanding, have the power over your destiny.”
— Ramtha
“It is our prison sentence to make known the unknown. Only until we start doing that do we unlock the prison door and let the soul and Spirit take flight.”
— Ramtha
Living Love
“You are starting to change. You have rosy cheeks and your eyes dance. Your hair is gossamer threads, or perhaps you don’t have any and your skin just shines. Your embrace is warm and your glance is embracing, accepting, allowing, and loving.”
— Ramtha
Creating Out of Love
“Manifest for the love of the journey, not for the thing itself but for the experience. That and only that is what your God will manifest for you through deep focus.”
— Ramtha
Inner Joy
“Joy is a state of being. You have enough time to begin to realize inner joy because you are doing the work. You have enough time to download the future. You do. You have enough time to begin the work.”
— Ramtha
Soaring with Eagles
“In the mastery of the beast, the warrior inside of you rises up in spite of your lack and does it anyway. That is what slays the dragon. Blow after blow after blow, one day you will cut its head off. And when the head is cut off, you are a free human being to soar with eagles, dance in the sun, know the other side of the moon, and go into another dimension.”
— Ramtha
I Want to Live
“You want to live. You do not want to die ignorant. You do not want to die a death where you do not have the knowledge and that you are no more, no more, no more. You want to awaken.”
— Ramtha